Natural Amazonite gold necklace. Full Moon Designs

Amazonite Gold Necklace

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Green natural Amazonite gold pendant. Small and easy to wear as it can easily fit with most outfits.

About the stone
Amazonite is an incredibly powerful stone and one that is particularly helpful for electromagnetic pollution found in microwaves, mobile phones, and other new-age devices. A helpful stone to have around, especially if you spend much of the day in front of a screen. Amazonite also balances feminine and masculine energies and helps those who seek universal love. Good for the heart and throat chakras and useful for communication and intuition. 

Amazonite is associated with the birth sign of Virgo (23 August - 22 September).

Stone: A
Metal: Gold plated on Sterling Silver
Chain: Gold plated, hypoallergenic
Length:  18 "   46cm