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Crystals have long been thought to have certain healing qualities, these qualities vary from stone to stone and so depending on your needs you may want to wear different crystals, for example Quartz promotes clarity of thought and true purpose of an individuals heart and mind whereas Malachite can help with emotional healing. Crystals can provide these healing powers by positively interacting with your body’s energy field, or chakra. For each stone we have below we have listed it's corresponding birthstone, chakra it interacts with, it's zodiac sign and a short explanation of its healing properties.
Every month of the year has a unique selection pf birthstones such as July which has Carnelian, Citrine, Emerald, Fire (Agate), Garnet, Tiger's Eye and Pyrite.
Birthstone: May, June
Chakra: Base
Zodiac sign: Gemini, cancer
Element: Earth
It is a grounding stone, bringing emotional, physical and emotional balance. Soothing and calming stone. Agate stimulates the digestive system and also helps painful conditions such as bruises and sprains.
Birthstone : August
Chakra: Heart, Throat
Zodiac sign or birthstone : Virgo
Element: Water
Amazonite is a extremely soothing stone as it calms the brain and the nervous system. It soothes emotional trauma and dispels negative energy. This stone opens the throat (communication) and heart chakra. It also protects against electromagnetic pollution from cell phones or microwaves.
Birthstone : December
Chakra: Solar plexus, throat
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Element: Earth
Amber is not a crystal but a tree resin which has solidified and fossilized over long period of time. You may at times see that amazing material imbued with insects which would make the resin as old as 10 of thousands years. It is a grounding material and has very strong connections with the earth. It also cleans the environment. Amber stimulates the intellectual, brings self expression to the forefront. It is also good for decision making while encouraging peace and trust.
Birthstone: January, November, February, March
Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
Zodiac sign: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries
Element: Wind
Amethyst is a stone of meditation and spiritual guidance. It opens the "Crown and the third eye chakra". It provides spiritual awareness and aid creative thinking. This stone is also very good for meditation, relaxing and centering. Very effective for insomnia.
Birthstone: May
Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third eye
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Element: Water, Earth
Apatite is a stone of manifestation, and promotes a humanitarian attitude. It is excellent for communication and self expression. To be used on the throat chakra. It is also beneficial to help arthritis and joint problems.
Aqua Aura (Quartz):
Birthstone: January
Chakra: Heart, Throat
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Element: Water
This stone can also be used to stimulate the throat chakra and so promote communication. Known as the stone of the mind it can help with concentration and be used to direct energies. It can also help those who use it see their inner truths more clearly, but you must be willing to accept them.
Birthstone: March, May, October, February
Chakra: Heart, Throat
Zodiac sign: Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces
Element: Water
This crystal is also called the stone of "courage". It boosts the throat chakra and provides strength to deal with difficult situations. Soothes, refreshes, and calms the mind. It also promotes self-expression and aligns the physical and spiritual bodies. Aquamarine is very helpful for sore throats, and thyroid problems.
Birthstone: December
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Element: Storm
It is a grounding stone with strong earth connections that has be known to open and cleanse all chakras. It also encourages conservation and recycling as well as emotional expression from different mediums such as speech and other creative outlets. Aragonite can help to heal bones and aids calcium absorption.
Birthstone: March, September
Chakra: Heart
Zodiac sign: Aries, Libra.
Element: Earth, Water
Aventurine brings creativity and protects against electromagnetic pollution. This stone transforms negative into positive. It also provides compassion, perseverance and helps with anger. It protects the heart chakra.
Birthstone: November, April
Chakra: Third eye
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Taurus
Element: Water
This piercingly blue crystal is said to activate the Third eye and crown chakras. It is said to open and clear the third eye which promotes intuitive and psychic abilities aligning inner vision to higher guidance. This stone will also help you see people true intentions as well as your own.
Blue Lace (Agate):
Birthstone: May, February
Chakra: Throat
Zodiac sign: Gemini, Pisces
Element: Water
Blue Lace Agate opens the throat chakra, therefore helping with communication. As it releases anger, it also brings inner peace and helps with fear of rejection. On the physical level this crystal helps with throat problems, shoulders and neck.
Birthstone: June, July
Chakra: Base, Sacral, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Leo
Element: Fire
Carnelian grounds and brings back motivation. It also removes fear of death. It also can cleanse other stones. This stone gives courage and dispels apathy.
Birthstone: June, November
Chakra: Heart
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Sagittarius
Element: Water
Chalcedony brings the mind, body and spirit in harmony. It promotes generosity, eases self doubt, and transforms negative thoughts into positive ones. It is a powerful cleanser and increases physical energy.
Birthstone: June, May
Chakra: Base, Heart, Throat
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Gemini
Element: Water
It is a beautiful stone which ranges from blue, green, and sometimes light brown. It brings tranquility and helps with meditation and communication. It also draws off negative energies and promotes acceptance as well as inner strength while aligning all the chakras (energy centers). Chrysocolla promotes self awareness and personal power, and also inspires creativity and brings motivation. Physically this stone helps with arthritis, lungs and digestive system.
Birthstone: May, February
Chakra: Heart, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Gemini, Pisces
Element: Water
In ancient times this stone was said to promote love of truth. this stone opens our hearts to all sorts of new possibilities including romantic and abundance. Chrysoprase gives hope and brings calm.
Birthstone: March, July
Chakra: Base, Sacral, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Aries, Leo
Element: Fire
This powerful crystal is a powerful cleanser, energizer and creative. It is one of the few crystals that does not need cleansing and also very protective for the environment. It also dissipates negative energies, and helps with intuition. It also brings abundance by attracting wealth and prosperity. Citrine is a happy stone which helps with self esteem, motivation, depression and stimulates digestion.
Birthstone: October, August
Chakra: Heart
Zodiac sign: Scorpio, Virgo
Element: Water
This beautiful green stone is a powerful healer for the heart chakra. It is a strong cleanser and detoxifier and also helps with grief and abandonment. On a physical level Dioptase helps with heart conditions.
Birthstone: April, July
Chakra: Heart
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Leo
Element: Water
This stone is a member of the beryl family and is called "the stone of lasting beauty and successful love". It is said to open the heart chakra and attracts harmony. It also helps with strengthening the immune system.
Fire (Agate):

Birthstone: March, July
Chakra: Base, Sacral, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Aries, Leo
Element: Fire
This stone has a deep connection with the earth, is very grounding and instills inner security, helps with destructive desires, therefore good for treating addictions. Also beneficial for meditation.

Birthstone: December, February
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Pisces
Element: Wind
Fluorite is an amazing stone, it can help enhance all chakras. it can help with seeing clearly through when we are overwhelmed with emotion and so make the correct decision. it is associated with stability and clarity and can be used to realign the brains chemistry promoting learning.
Birthstone: December, July, August
Chakra: Base, Heart
Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Leo, Virgo
Element: Earth
A long time ago, Garnet was used as a protective talisman. It is a useful time log crisis. It also stimulates the metabolism and regenerates DNA.
Birthstone: March, January, June, April
Chakra: Base
Zodiac sign: Aries, Aquarius, Cancer, Taurus
Element: Earth
Is very effective at grounding and harmonizes mind, body and spirit. It boosts self esteem and helps with self confidence. It also helps with blood circulation and condition like anemia as hematite contains a lot lot of iron.
Herkimer Diamond:
Birthstone: April
Chakra: Crown, Third eye
Zodiac sign : Scorpio
Element: -
This mysterious crystal is double pointed and when very clear enables telepathy and promotes conscious atonement. It corrects DNA, eliminates stress and tensions from the body and is also very useful for insomnia.

Birthstone: September
Chakra: Heart
Zodiac sign: Libra
Element: Earth
This green stone is associated with the heart chakra and represents serenity, tranquility and luck. It also brings love and protection which is why it is so popular in the east. It is called the "dream stone". On a physical level, jade cleanses the kidneys and is also beneficial for fertility and childbirth.
Birthstone: March
Chakra: Base, Sacral
Zodiac sign: Aries
Element: Earth
Jasper aligns all the chakras and is a stone of tranquility which also helps with stress. It is good for protection as it absorbs negative energies and re-energizes the body.
Kyanite (blue):
Birthstone: April
Chakra: All, Strongest: Third eye
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Element: Storm
This stone is a very effective tool for meditation and brings intuition. It is also able to connect to the spirit guides. It enable communication and therefore opens the throat chakra. Kyanite is one of the few crystals that does not need cleansing as it does not hold negativity. Kyanite lowers blood pressure and helps with the thyroid gland.
Birthstone: November, January, February
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
Element: Wind
It is a crystal with protective powers and a bringer of light which also raises consciousness. It also provide an energy shield against negativity. Labradorite provides intuition, blocks fears and helps with self confidence and confidence in the universe. It is also calming as well as an excellent tool for bringing up ideas also called a stone of transformation.
Lapis Lazuli:
Birthstone: September, November, April
Chakra: Third Eye
Zodiac sign: Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus
Element: Wind
Lapis Lazuli opens the third eye and stimulates enlightenment, but is also beneficial for the throat chakra allowing self expression and self confidence. This stone brings together the physical, mental and spiritual parts of the body which comes with inner self knowledge. Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding, and aids the process of learning. It is excellent for enhancing memory.

Birthstone: -
Chakra: Throat
Zodiac sign: Leo
Element: Fire, Water
Larimar is found only in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. It grows together in a solid mass and forms in cavities within the lava. Its soft, soothing blues and calming turquoise is streaked with white patterns. Larimar is a crystal of serenity, promoting relaxation in every aspect. It facilitates the healing of unresolved issues or fears, trauma to the heart, or past-life relationships.
Birthstone: December, October, April
Chakra: Heart, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus
Element: Fire
Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation of all kinds, clears electromagnetic pollution and heals earth energies. Keep near microwaves in the kitchen and televisions in living areas. It is stone beneficial to activated the third eye and is said to be a stone of transformation and change. It releases inhibitions and encourages self expression and intuition. Used on the solar plexus Malachite provides emotional healing. This stone is helpful for blood pressure, asthma, arthritis, travel sickness.

Birthstone: October
Chakra: All, strongest: Heart,Third eye
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Element: Storm
Moldavite is a form of tektite and can be found in shades of green or green/brown. Moldavite is glassy in appearance. It is said to have extraterrestrial origins as it would be from a meteorite which hit earth a long time ago. It is therefore a rare stone. It is originated from Moldova and the Czech Republic. This stone will help you to communicate with extraterrestrial and is also a very spiritual crystal with a very high vibration. It will encourage empathy and compassion. The frequency of Moldavite connects to all the physical chakras but notably the heart and third eye chakras. It can open and activate any of the chakras helping to remove and clear blockages and align the chakras and energy fields and allowing for balance and the correct flow of energy throughout our being.

Birthstone: March
Chakra: Base, Solar plexus, Third eye
Zodiac sign: Aries
Element: Earth
Mookaite belongs to the family of jasper. It varies from deep brown to cream and light yellow. It originates from Australia. This stone is associated with the root chakra as it is a calming. It also activates the solar plexus chakra.
Birthstone: June, September, October
Chakra: Crown, Third eye
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Element: Wind
Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and is connected to the moon. It has a calming effect and encourages to develop clairvoyance. It also facilitates dreaming, and brings out the feminine energy as well as balancing it with the male energies. Rainbow Moonstone acts on the emotional body, helping to ease stress, emotional traumas and grief.It is also called the stone of the Goddess.
Mtorolite (Chromium Chalcedony):

Chakra: Heart, Throat
Zodiac sign:
Mtorolite connects to the heart chakra, so that one is able to view life with a heart centered awareness and to be emotionally balanced and to remain calm and to cope with life’s challenges. It is associated with the heart chakra.
Birthstone: October
Chakra: Base
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Element: Earth
This stone is made of lava that cooled very fast. Obsidian's is grounding and protective and is connected to the base chakra but also connect to other chakras. It also brings clarity to the mind and clear confusion. It is very beneficial for the blood circulation.
Birthstone: December
Chakra: Base, Solar plexus, Third eye
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Element: Earth
This beautiful stone activates the base solar plexus and third eye chakras enhancing inner strength promoting endurance and persistence. it is especially good for students and teachers as it can help increase ones attention to detail, control and focus, direct ones will and even boost memory. however it has be known and used for it enhancement of physical activities as well, such as assisting with weight loss and strength building.
Birthstone: June, September
Chakra: Different for colour variations
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Libra
Element: Earth, Water
Opal is seen as the fire and passion of the human spirit helping keep the the passion behind our dreams running after our own spark has dissipated. This stone can vary a lot from clear to blue like this, and with changing colour comes changing chakras. It is a powerful stone that can help promote leadership qualities, goal seeking behavior and mental clarity.
Birthstone: August, September, December
Chakra: Heart, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Virgo, Libra, Capricorn
Element: Earth
The Peridot stone is synonymous with abundance in all areas of life. It helps remove blockages which allow you to fully grasp what is due to you, your birth right. is it seen as a extremely positive stone bring a sense of inner warmth and well being as well as alleviating feelings of low self esteem and guilt which may be its most useful power. on a more physical note it can help support heart circulation.

Birthstone: May
Chakra: Solar plexus, Third eye
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Element: Storm
It works on the Solas plexus and Third eye chakras which explain why it is often known as the tempest stone because the energy it gives off if compared to a thunderstorm clearing blockages and activating the mind and imagination. it is also useful if you want to enhance your psychic vision as well as telepathy. however its most useful characteristics is that it can motivate people take action and start pursuing your dreams through stimulating the brain and surrounding nerves.
Birthstone: September
Chakra: Heart, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Libra
Element: Earth, Wind
This crystal can come in variations of green and yellow, and also works on the Solar Plexus as well as the heart chakras. It is considered a calming stone which helps give it the name emotional soap with its gentle energy which relaxes and subdues anger, restlessness, nervousness and worry. It helps reconnect our hearts to nature which is more important than ever with most of us now living in such large cities.
Birthstone: July
Chakra: Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Leo
Element: Earth
Pyrite (Fools gold), like many crystals activates the Solar Plexus chakra. It is a warming crystal that can help attract abundance and encourage creative and powerful creativity. Perhaps its most amazing feature is its help and grounding and pursuit of higher knowledge which can open ones mind. on a physical basis it can help with stamina and improve physical performance.
Quartz (clear):
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: All
Element: Storm
One of the most common yet most powerful crystals which helps with all chakras which is quite rare among stones. It helps promote clarity of thought and true purpose of an individuals heart and mind. It works on all energetic and physical levels and resonates with all chakras. It also amplifies all energies it moves into resonance with and can be used in line with other stones, constantly broadcasting that energy into the earths electromagnetic field. Thanks to all of this Quartz is an amazing stone for healing, manifestation or prayer work and can help create a clear connection with higher guidance.
Quartz (Rose):
Birthstone: April
Chakra: Heart
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Element: Water
Rose Quartz is a stone of love, friendship, unconditional love which makes sense that it activates the heart chakra. It is truly the the most important stone for love of both yourself and others. it can be used to release worry, fear and past emotional trauma. It allows one to be more open, loving, receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness. Even on a physical level it helps promote stability and strength to the heart.
Quartz (Smokey):
Chakra: Base
Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Sagittarius
Element: Earth
Smokey Quarts is one of the most powerful grounding crystals around which makes sense that activates the base chakra. It can be used to cleanse and clear the aura of an individual for it to be go through the Earth and be cleansed again. Even its physical characteristics can be seen to be affected by the Earth helping to reduce the negative effects of radiation and electromagnetic fields.
Quartz (Snowball):
Zodiac sign: Crown
This Quartz is coloured white due to water bubbles being trapped inside it during it creation, with this icy look it helps give a sense of innocence. It is said that that this crystal will help an individual see the world more clearly as well as all the wonders that you miss on a daily basis and even improve your intuition. It helps activate the crown chakra and in turn will improve your connection to your higher self the spirits who guide you.

Birthstone: May
Chakra: Crown
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Element: Earth
Serpentine is an earthing stone which helps with meditation and makes you feel more in control. It is also called the "infinite stone". This crystal is also cleansing and detoxifying and helps the body to absorb calcium and magnesium.
Birthstone: -
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio
Element: Earth
Once again we find one of the few crystals which is powerful on all chakras. It is said to have antioxidant properties which on a physical level can help boost your immune system, fighting viruses and bacteria. It is also quoted to have anti inflammatory and anti-histamine properties as well as being able to neutralize electromagnetic radiation.
Birthstone: November
Chakra: All
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Element: Storm
Also one of the stones which are known to work on all chakras, Tektite is perfect foe meditating, as it can help expand your consciousness to higher frequencies giving the person a sense of empowerment. It can also improve one connection with others and can shield a person from bad and negative energies overall helping promote a more free flowing energetic body.
Tiger's Eye:
Birthstone: Masy, July
Chakra: Base, Sacral, Solar plexus
Zodiac sign: Gemini, Leo
Element: Fire, Storm
a very useful stone which can protect one on their travels, it works on their Solar Plexus, Sacral and base chakras. It is one of vitality and practicality in life, it helps with problem solving and can promote balance between two opposing and even extreme view points. So it can be seen as a conflict meditating crystal. on a physical level it is seen as fortifying blood and helping balance hormone levels. Also very popular with men.
Birthstone: November, August, April
Chakra: Throat, Third eye
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Virgo,Taurus
Element: Fire
Topaz is a beautiful crystal that represents the Third eye and Throat chakras. Being the third eye it is no surprise that it embodies the energy of the mind, knowledge and has been known enhance communication with others. it also enhance and ability and willingness to learn new complex and difficult concepts.on a physical level it promotes a healthy neck and throat.
Tourmaline (Black):

Birthstone: December
Chakra: Base
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Element: Earth
Known to purify negative energy and protect from it, it can also aid in overcoming chronic stresses which may plague you everyday, it can help achieve this by a strong grounding effect and by purifying its user of toxins and waste. It also protects against electromagnetic energy and so can be very good to place near your computer or phone when you sleep. This crystal is also very popular with men.
Birthstone: November, October, February
Chakra: Throat
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces
Element: Storm
It is a shamanic and protective stone that works on the Throat chakra. Being with the Throat chakra it aids communication as well as finding wholeness and the truth in yourself and the world around you. It is often said to represent wisdom gathered over the years from ones life events and activities. It promotes self acceptance and self forgiveness, that to truly accept ourselves we must accept all aspects of our personality qualities as well flaws.
Birthstone: March, January
Chakra: Base, Heart, Third eye
Zodiac sign: Aries, Aquarius
Element: Storm
And finally last but not least Zoisite is a beautiful stone which can come in green or blue with pink which represents the chakras of the Base, Heart, and Third eye. This is a very positive crystal, offering many good energies such as happiness, abundance and appreciation. It does this by stimulating the heart and helps open it to love and new experiences whilst alleviating grief, anger and despair. It has very strong healing properties as it helps activate the bodies defenses and healing abilities which can be especially useful after pharmaceutical treatment or chemotherapy.