Enchantingly vivid cat's eye yellow characterises this asymmetric ring, with a thin oval prehnite stone that appears to elongate the fingers of its wearer. A natural cloud lies within this natural orb-like stone giving real personality to this mesmerising piece.
Subtle, soft yellow and translucent, Prehnite will help with meditation and brings peace to the wearer. Prehnite is a stone of unconditional love and is helpful for spiritual growth. It is also used in Feng Shui as a declutter of space. This stone also teaches how to have a connection with nature and can activate the third eye. This crystal comes ethically sourced from Australia.
Associated with the birth sign of Capricorn (22 December - 19 January)
Specifications Stone: Prehnite (yellow) Metal: Sterling Silver Size: UK: R1/2 EUROPE: 60 US: 9